Junior Skeptic

Junior Skeptic bannerFrom 2002 until 2021, Daniel was the Editor of Junior Skeptic, a 10-page illustrated science and critical thinking publication for younger readers bound into every issue of Skeptic magazine, the quarterly journal of the educational nonprofit Skeptics Society. He wrote and illustrated most issues until the section’s retirement in 2021.

Junior Skeptic was the skeptical movement’s most sustained and substantial educational outreach project for children—and for the young at heart. It emphasized classic paranormal and fringe mysteries: bizarre claims, monsters, strange forces, and things that go bump in the night. Although intended for younger readers, Junior Skeptic made notable contributions to the scholarly literature on those fringe topics. Daniel’s book with Donald Prothero, Abominable Science! (Columbia University Press, 2013) drew extensively from research undertaken for Junior Skeptic; Daniel’s Book Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be (Kids Can Press, 2010) was directly adapted from a two-part Junior Skeptic story.